Tuesday 29 November 2011

What Does the Tingling Mean for the Hearing?

Dr. Nishit Shah warns that listening to music in public transport (a car or subway) can reduce the quality of hearing. Most people listen to music on their way to work or school using mobile phones, iPods, or computers.

In addition to the loud music from headphones, additional sound pollution is created by the noise of cars and trains. Duration is also important. The louder the sound is, the less time your ears will be able to endure it. If you ignore the recommendations of the experts, you may suffer from partial deafness. Moreover, the reduction in sound quality can remain unnoticed by a person for a long time. However, it becomes obvious in the advanced age.
The study has shown that such a problem is often faced by the people, who attend concerts and clubs frequently. As soon as you hear tingling in your ears, you should expect deteriration of hearing. Also, few people know that a sharp change of the surroundings (when a person appears to be in absolute silence after a noisy place) may be even more dangerous for one’s ears.
If a man cannot live a day without music, Shah recommends to spend some money on good headphones with noise reduction. Then one will not have to bring the volume to a maximum, trying to abstract from external sounds. Still, spending just five minutes a day listening to loud music can be deafening.
Source of the image: Photl.

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