Wednesday 30 November 2011

Jennifer Aniston Met Boyfriend’s Ex

Jennifer Aniston met with Justin Theroux’ former girlfriend “to talk heart to heart” over a glass of wine.

The actress has received the information that 35-year-old Heidi Bivens is going through difficult times trying to overcome her break with Theroux and feels “shattered and emotionally devastated.” Knowing from her personal experience, what it means to be one’s “ex”, Aniston was terrified with her role of a “rival in love” and asked Bivens for a meeting.
The ladies met on November 6 in New York’s Mercer Hotel and talked heart to heart over a glass of wine. The star of the “Friends” series apologized to Heidi, despite the fact that Heidi’s relationship with Justin Theroux had come to an end even before Jennifer appeared.
I understand what you now have to go through. And I tell you honestly that I would never act deliberately “to take away” someone else’s man.
Heidi Bivens was crying, and for both girls this evening and the “difficult” conversation became very emotional.
Jennifer Aniston, who is 42 years old, and Justin Theroux, 40, met last autumn at the shooting of the movie “Wanderlust”, but started dating only in May this year. Since then, the actors have been pursued by paparazzi and the rumors, including the long-awaited pregnancy of the famous “Rachel”. On the other hand, there is no smoke without fire, and there are no loose clothes without a reason, right?

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