Monday, 28 November 2011

Best Time for Sex – Sexual Biorhythms of Men and Women

Can differences in biorhythms of men and women disturb harmony of a love? As scientists believe, indeed they can. Those scientists offer advices on how to find that mutual passion. Psychologists affirm that “owl-lark” couples do argue a lot, it is harder for them to find a compromise, they go out in public less often, and feel disconnected from each other far more often. The issue gets intensified by the fact that the partners obviously have sex less often as well. Surely, couples that have the same biorhythms also may encounter different timings in passion. After all, the female and male sexual sensitivity clocks are very much different. We have to do something about it!

Biorhythms in Our Lives

There is a vast variety of biorhythms. Some have a period of less then a fraction of a second, others last for a couple of years. For each of us an activity rush period is followed by a relaxation, apathy, when we are running out of energy. This is explained by the fact that blood hormone levels fluctuate every hour, day, couple of days, seasons. It is hard to go against this metronome, even for the toughest workaholic and the most passionate lover.

Biorhythms and Sex Hormones

Scientists believe that our DNA has a specific gene section responsible for synthesis of a so-called key protein component. It is a peculiar biological spring, which acts as an initiator for the internal biorhythms clock. Punctual hypothalamus, following its calendar, gives orders to hypophysis, which is obeyed by most of the sex hormones. That’s how it comes around that on some days production of, let’s say, testosterone is rather low, and on other days you are up for feats in bed.

Time When Both Women and Men Want Sex: Study

Do the glorious moments of love exist at all, when passion seizes both partners with equal power? Those questions were studied by Peter Platz, a specialist in the field of issues in sexuality from Hamburg. He graphed the “desire curves” and attempted to find the overlap points between the male and female apogee. It turned out that there are very few of those, yet the moments when hearts beat in a complete unison do exist.

Difference in Male and Female Libido

During the first hours upon awakening, especially after having some erotic dreams, the stronger gender is very much in the mood for an intercourse. At 7 am the male sex hormones activity exceeds the norm by about 20 percent, by 9 am – by as much as 50 percent. The arousal starts to decline by 10 am and then raises once again by 11 am. But here comes the difference, since the arousal in females is not yet awaken by this time of the day. Desire hormones join the female bloodstream only closer to noon.

Best Time for Sex for Both Women and Men

At 1 pm, the male is still aroused, by 4 pm his eagerness reaches its peak point. Attention! Female is drawn towards a sensitive encounter around this time as well. But two hours later, both male and female libido will need rest. To get it excited once again, as the German expert suggests, sport comes very handy.

Best Time for Conflicts about Sex

It may seem that in the evening, the body should entirely give itself in to passion, but that is not the case! This is the time of the most vexing discords. Female hormones still keep it quiet (even if she did not work before that), but the male is eagerly up for intimacy. To awaken the sensitivity of his partner he will perhaps have to use an entire arsenal of his charms, be soft and attentive.

When It Is too Late for Sex

Finally, by 10 pm, at last, she is overwhelmed by the passion of love, but it is too late, since the male organism , although still wanting “it”, is already fighting with the power of sleep. That is why, often enough, after a few minutes of passionate embraces, the male falls fast asleep under the influence of the endorphins, which arrived to the brain during the orgasm. This greatly upsets the girlfriend, who is open for a heart-to-heart talk at this time.

Listen to Your Partner’s and Your Body

Surely, we can not treat biorhythms as a rigid forecast. Humans are not mechanisms and deviations from the scheme proposed by Platz do exist. Nevertheless, the German doctor’s advices can be very helpful for most men and women. The main point is that we should not be easily hurt by a refusal in intimacy. It does not necessarily mean that the feelings are gone, it can very much be the case that the partner’s libido has taken a time-out for a while. Be patient and attentive towards your beloved one; try to find out when he or she has the greatest desire for an intercourse. Listen to your own feelings as well: when you are in the mood for some love games as well.

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